CentOS 5.5 Installation in kvm guest


To perform a net install of CentOS 5.5 in a virtual machine called "cendrillon" - with 8 GB disk, bridge, sound support and virtio - to a remote host called "bareil", use the following syntax:

# vm-create -c bareil -s 8 -S -b br0 -V -u centos cendrillon
Pool install refreshed

Starting install...
Allocating 'cendrillon.img'                         | 8.0 GB     00:00     
Creating domain...                                  |   0  B     00:00

You can use the option -t to print the whole command to be passed to virt-install to standard output before executing it:

# vm-create -t -c bareil -s 8 -S -b br0 -V -u centos cendrillon
--description="cendrillon (centos 5) - vm guest on host bareil" 
--disk vol=install/CentOS-5.5-i386-netinstall.iso,device=cdrom 
--disk pool=default,size=8 
--network bridge=br0 

iso URL: ftp://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/centos/5/isos/i386/CentOS-5.5-i386-netinstall

A detailled description of the vm-create script has been posted in the openSUSE forum: vm-create : create kvm virtual machines.

* Notice that the option --boot=cdrom,hd,network is not available on virt-install version prior to 5003.

Booting Centos

Booting CentOS Setting vesa resolution

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Choose a language Keyboard type Installation Method Configure TCP/IP Sending DHCP request FTP Setup Retrieving Probing video card

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To install the 64 bits version, use /pub/centos/5.5/os/x86_64 as the CentOS directory.
You might find a FTP site closer to you in the list of available CentOS mirrors.

CentOS GUI setup

Centos welcome screen Initialize the drive Searching for CentOS installation Create custom layout Custom Partitioning Custom Partitioning Custom Partitioning Custom Partitioning Custom Partitioning Custom Partitioning Custom Partitioning Bootloader installation Network devices Time zone Root password Retrieving installation information Default installation (Gnome desktop) Checking dependencies Begin installation Formating / filesystem Formating /home filesystem Starting install process Installation Installation Installation Installation Performing post install configuration... Installing bootloader Installation is complete Boot screen Booting... Booting... Booting... Booting... Welcome... Firewall SELinux SELinux kdump Date and Time Create user Sound Card Additional CDs Reboot Reboot Login... Updates available Root password... Package updater Package updater Downloading packages Updating software

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When the installation is complete, press Reboot. If you see the CD boot screen, turn off the vm in virt-manager, diconnect netinstall.iso from the CDROM device and change the boot device order in Boot Options. Then restart the vm and proceed with setup.